Expand Staff Recruitment through Career and Technical Education Partnerships

James Riley - University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Andrew Harris - University of Pennsylvania
Rene Melendez - The Philadelphia Academies, Inc.

This session will provide a brief overview of career and technical education (CTE) and review how to leverage existing programs to bolster future candidate pools via formal internship programs. Presenters will use their experience building an internship program in partnership with multiple nonprofit entities designed to introduce high school students to the incredible breadth and depth of career opportunities available in higher education and research education. Audience members will be engaged in exercises to help demonstrate the CTE experience and learn how such programs can support the development of skills necessary to fill roles within their organizations. We will present lessons learned as shared by program participants and discuss early results from one specific cohort while considering longer-term success of broader programs.

Learning Objectives

  1. Develop ideas on how to bolster mentoring opportunities for existing staff while exploring ways to invest in the next generation of their workforce.
  2. Analyze whether such programs offer opportunity to enhance staff engagement.
  3. Identify skills that could be developed to fill entry level support staff positions with candidates who possess qualities to grow within their organizations.

CPE Available

  • 1 Credit: Business Management & Organization