Building a $200M (+/-) Endowment for Small, Private IHEs through Net-Tuition Revenue. The Good, the Bad, and the FUTURE.

Sue Mannering - Goldey-Beacom College
Charles Hammond - Goldey-Beacom College

Join us as we unveil the remarkable journey of a small, private higher education institution that defied the odds by constructing a robust $200 million endowment, primarily fueled by net-tuition revenue. This presentation delves into pivotal competencies including Change Management, Financial Sustainability, Future of Higher Education, Managing Risk, and Technology, tailored specifically for small IHE controllers, HR, facilities, and operations professionals.

Through interactive engagement methods, we'll immerse participants in the dynamic narrative of this institution's strategic endowment growth and identify significant changes to assure a balance approach to financial sustainability and growth mindset. Here's how we plan to captivate and involve our audience:

  • Interactive Case Study: Through immersive case study, participants will step into the shoes of key decision-makers, navigating challenges and opportunities encountered on the path to endowment success. Small groups will collaborate to analyze scenarios, identify strategic solutions, and share insights, fostering dynamic discussions and peer learning.
  • Real-Time Polling and Q&A Sessions: Leveraging technology, we'll conduct real-time polling to gauge audience perspectives on critical topics such as change management strategies, risk mitigation tactics, and technological innovations. Interactive Q&A sessions will provide attendees with the opportunity to pose questions, share experiences, and engage in insightful dialogue with presenters and fellow participants.
  • Scenario Planning Workshops: In interactive workshops, participants will engage in scenario planning exercises, envisioning future challenges and opportunities for their own institutions.

Through facilitated discussions and group brainstorming, attendees will develop actionable strategies tailored to their unique contexts, promoting practical application of presented concepts.

By fostering interactive participation and collaborative learning, this presentation aims to empower small IHE professionals with actionable insights and strategies for unlocking financial success and driving sustainable growth in their institutions. Join us for an engaging and transformative exploration of strategic endowment development in the higher education landscape for schools with limited fundraising success.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify key strategies and best practices employed by a small, private institution of higher education (IHE) in successfully building a $200 million endowment primarily through net tuition revenue and donor gifts.
  2. Apply lessons learned from the presented case study.
  3. Develop actionable strategies for enhancing financial resilience and fostering institutional growth in their own small private IHE contexts.

CPE Available

  • 1 Credit: Management Services