Strategic Finance & Business Office Practices: A Tale of Research & Transformation

Alan Gilbert - CUNY Brooklyn College
Arijit Dhillon - CUNY Brooklyn College
Aharon Grama - CUNY Brooklyn College

Brooklyn College came out of the pandemic with a 20% enrollment decline – a seismic shift after two decades of steady enrollment. Stimulus funding enabled the college to balance its budget, but as relief funds dwindled, Brooklyn’s SVP for Finance and Administration recognized that its strategic finance model and supporting business office processes and practices needed to be reassessed and revised, and changes would need to be communicated to the campus. The SVPFA leveraged a free NACUBO-developed assessment tool to capture baseline information as a starting point for changing financial practices and enhancing professional development resources, bringing the campus along on a journey of transformation. Presenters will explain how they captured and used survey results to inform their approach to re-engineering budget processes and supporting materials for stakeholders.

Attendees of this session will receive access to the free assessment instrument used, and presenters will explain how the tool was customized, ensuring relevancy for respondents. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the processes followed to survey CUNY Brooklyn College stakeholders, how data was collated, and key takeaways from the assessment.

Attendees will also learn about structural changes that Brooklyn is making to shift staffing models, underpinned by a desire to build a stronger culture of budget stewardship and shared ownership of resources, and move away from a culture focused on monitoring and siloed competition for resources. This session will offer attendees a view of CUNY’s intranet information portal that is being developed by the office of the SVP for Finance and Administration, using Microsoft’s SharePoint to provide virtual office hours to campus constituents. Brooklyn will share its vison for the future, that includes their ‘endgame’ for process improvement.

Learning Objectives

  1. Use an assessment instrument to identify areas to improve business office practices, communications, and training.
  2. Discuss alternative approaches to transform strategic financial and business office practices.
  3. Employ the assessment tool shared in this session at your institution.

CPE Available

  • 1 Credit: Business Management & Organization