Megan Asklar

Manager, CliftonLarsonAllen

Megan is a manager at CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA), where she has the privilege of serving higher education institutions within the assurance practice. With nearly twelve years of experience in public accounting, including the last nine at CLA, she is also passionate about promoting women's success in business. As a member of the leadership team for the Women’s Virtual Belonging Community at CLA, Megan supports the community through sharing resources, providing educational opportunities and presenting on various topics dedicated to developing and supporting women in their careers. Additionally, she supports the high school internship program at CLA, providing students with an immersive summer experience to explore careers in accounting. Megan is also part of the Young Executive Team, collaborating with firm leadership on initiatives to shape the younger generation within the firm.

Megan is a graduate of Drexel University and holds an MBA from Widener University.