Ken Rodgers

Director, Public Finance, S&P Global Ratings

Kenneth Rodgers, Jr. is a director and lead analyst in Public Finance at S&P Global Ratings. Ken is a member of the U.S. Higher Education Group and continues to assist the Not-For-Profit Healthcare Group having worked in that field for over 25 years. Ken is responsible for evaluating the credit quality of public and private higher education and health care issuers and on occasion, has worked with a variety of state and local government issuers.

Ken initiated S&P Global Ratings senior living/long-term care business and maintains an active interest in this field. Ken is a frequent writer on credit developments, such as cyber security, affecting the higher education and healthcare sectors and has been interviewed and quoted by The Bond Buyer, The Wall Street Journal and other state and national news organizations.

Prior to joining S&P Global Ratings as a rating analyst in 1984, Ken worked with the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Coopers & Lybrand, now known as PwC, in Baltimore, Maryland.

Ken holds a B.S. in Accounting from Utah State University and a M.S. in Finance from Loyola University Maryland. He is a certified public accountant (non-practicing) and is a member of S&P Global Ratings United States Public Finance Accounting Task Force and served for several years on the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants-Health Care Institutions Committee. Ken is a member of the National Federation of Municipal Analysts and for many years was an active member of the Municipal Analysts Group of New York. Ken resides in Spruce Head and Yarmouth, ME and is an avid sailor.