Michelle Sylvia SpriggsManaging Director
Michelle is the not-for-profit subject matter expert in our National Professional Standards Group and leads our local Uniform Grant Guidance and Compliance Practice. Michelle has more than 25 years of audit experience and specializes in serving associations and foundations, educational institutions, social services organizations, and cultural organizations. She manages financial statement and Single Audits; assists in bond offerings; provides recommendations on internal controls; assists with operations and accounting issues; assists in board support and development; and trains other accounting and auditing professionals to provide support to not-for-profit clients. Michelle also leads the not-for-profit quality control function within our office. Prior to joining CBIZ CPAs in 2005, she was a Senior Manager in the Boston office of Grant Thornton LLP where she acted as the co-leader for the Boston not-for- profit practice. Michell is a frequent presenter at AICPA Not-For-Profit, EACUBO, and the AICUM annual conferences. In addition, she routinely presents webinars on not-for- profit and Uniform Grant Guidance matters. |